We are a 501(c)3 Non-profit, and donations are tax-deductible. Consider a donation to Life After Placement!
We are so grateful for your financial support!
Every penny helps us continue this powerful and important work. Help us in our efforts to improve the adoption community nationwide for all women who are working to build a life after placement.
Your donation will help fund our online community, a place for birth mothers from all demographics to come and share their daily struggles.
Your donation will help fund our mental health providers.
Your donation will help fund our monthly in-person support groups, which includes welcoming gifts, monthly rental space and more.
Your donation will help fund our yearly Birth Mother’s Day Event gatherings.
Your donation will help fund our daily operating costs.
Please contact us at Hi@lifeafterplacement.org for more information and how your donation can make a difference.
And for those who continue to support us financially; our donors … It is with deep gratitude that we recognize and acknowledge you for your continued dedication and support of Life After Placement - our mission, programs, and services. Together, we are committed to supporting women post-placement by providing the tools and confidence they need to rebuild, discover their worth, and empower change.
Together, we are changing the face of adoption by empowering more women towards positive healing.